
Schools play a pivotal role in shaping young minds, and the way students experience education can profoundly impact their growth. NEXXT Journeys offers a specialized School Solution designed to empower educational institutions to create interactive learning journeys, enhance educational outcomes, and promote student involvement.

Why School Experiences Matter:

  1. Enhanced Learning: Engaged students are more likely to absorb and retain knowledge, leading to improved academic performance.

  2. Student Engagement: Encourage active participation in school activities, clubs, and extracurriculars for a well-rounded educational experience.

  3. Digital Learning: Adapt to evolving educational needs by offering flexible, digital learning experiences that complement traditional teaching methods.

  4. Feedback and Improvement: Gather insights from students to continually enhance the school experience.

Benefits for Schools:

  • Improved Academic Performance: Engage students in their learning journey, boosting their chances of excelling academically.

  • Enhanced School Community: Foster a sense of belonging and involvement among students, parents, and educators.

How NEXXT Journeys Enhances School Experiences:

  • Interactive Learning: Create engaging educational content with multimedia, quizzes, and interactive elements that cater to diverse learning styles.

  • Accessibility: Make learning materials accessible 24/7 through QR code links, allowing students to access resources whenever they need them.

  • Progress Monitoring: Keep track of student progress throughout their educational journey, identifying areas that may require additional support.

  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate NEXXT Journeys into your existing educational technology stack for a cohesive learning experience.

Getting Started with NEXXT Journeys for Schools:

Transform the way students experience education in your school:

  1. Needs Assessment: Identify the specific needs and goals of your school, considering areas where digital engagement can make the most impact.

  2. Content Creation: Develop tailored educational content for your school's journeys, aligning it with your curriculum and student objectives.

  3. Distribution: Share your school journeys through QR codes, email invitations, or integration with existing learning management systems.

  4. Feedback and Optimization: Gather feedback from students, parents, and educators to continuously refine the educational journey based on their input and performance data.

NEXXT Journeys empowers schools to create interactive, engaging learning experiences that enhance educational outcomes and promote student involvement. Redefine school experiences with NEXXT Journeys and embrace a new era of student engagement and achievement.


Craft Remarkable Digital Learning Experiences.

Step into a realm of endless opportunities with our advanced journey builder. NEXXT Journeys: Your ultimate destination for crafting engaging online academies. Tailored for beginners and professionals alike, our system promises immersive onboarding and education sessions. Experience the NEXXT edge and raise your training benchmarks.


  • What can I do with the NEXXT Journeys platform?

    NEXXT Journeys is a unique solution for sharing and collecting information. We call this journeys. Journeys can be used for onboarding, offboarding, training and instructing employees or students.

    Our journey builder allows you to create great journeys very quickly and easily. Journeys can then be assigned to employees and students. Journeys can also receive results and these can be shared with the people you set up.

    NEXXT Journeys contains many smart features, too many to list here. Create a free demo account and discover for yourself what NEXXT Journeys can mean for your organization or school.
  • Is NEXXT Journeys mobile friendly?

  • Do I have to install NEXXT Journeys?

    Our software runs entirely in the cloud, so you don't have to maintain your own server park. Or to install something, no worries for you, we will take care of everything. We take care of maintenance, security and updates. A secure certified connection to our platform ensures that everyone is always & anywhere with his training information and training.
  • Is my data safe?

    Yes, all communication via and with NEXXT Journeys is secure and encrypted via an SSL Certificate. In addition, annual audits are carried out to ensure the operation and safety of NEXXT Journeys. Are there any hidden costs? No, there are none. You only pay for the users who are in your NEXXT Journeys environment. So: no extra start-up costs or service costs!
  • Who owns the content you create in NEXXT Journeys?

    That's you. All content you create within NEXXT Journeys remains yours and yours alone. NEXXT Journeys offers the learning platform, so that you can use your training as you want.
  • What are the costs and how are they calculated?

    This is super easy and transparent. At NEXXT we don't believe in hidden costs. On our rates page we list our price plans that you pay per user. From more than 500 users, we create your own environment and a customized price proposal for you.
  • How do I pay to NEXXT Journeys?

    When you take out a subscription with NEXXT Journeys, you can choose to pay by credit card or direct debit. We then debit the amount every month or year via the secure payment platform Stripe.